BR 2-07: Inspector Logan

He looked questioningly at Logan but she just smiled and walked out of the room.

     I read this book this week. I didn't know the mean of "inspector," so I checked at first. It means like "police." It made me know some new words. Before I read, I thought that this was a story about a ruin or castle of this book's cover, but not. It was a so mysterious story! I was reading this story being exciting. After I read, I was surprised by the climax. It had a big impact...I could read smoothly, so easy to read. I don't have a lover now, but it makes me think about my future... I'm so scarely...

MacAndrew, Richard. (2002). Inspector Logan. Massachusetts. Cambridge University press.



I read "Vanishing Cream"

I got a new PC

BR 3-8: Dead Cold