
11月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

BR 4-2: Ireland

     Easter Monday 1916 was a very important day in Irish History. After that day, everything was different.In his poem Easter 1916 the Irish writer William Butler Yeats wrote: All changed, changed utterly. A terrible beauty is born.      This week, I read this book with my group members for next class. It's about Ireland, and includes Irish geographical features, history, sports, cultures, languages, and so on.      First is about geographical features and around he island. Ireland has so many lakes and rivers. Also, there are hills. Ireland has many beautiful places.      Next is about Irish history and languages. The Irish are Celtic people, and they came from western France and northern Spain. They played a Celtic game called Hurling. It also has history, so it was interesting. In addition, they speak Celtic language. It's different from English, and western France and northern Spain have languages very like it. after that, this book said that relationships between