
11月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR 2-07: Inspector Logan

He looked questioningly at Logan but she just smiled and walked out of the room.      I read this book this week. I didn't know the mean of "inspector," so I checked at first. It means like "police." It made me know some new words. Before I read, I thought that this was a story about a ruin or castle of this book's cover, but not. It was a so mysterious story! I was reading this story being exciting. After I read, I was surprised by the climax. It had a big impact... I could read smoothly, so easy to read. I don't have a lover now, but it makes me think about my future... I'm so scarely... MacAndrew, Richard. (2002). Inspector Logan. Massachusetts. Cambridge University press.

BR 2-06: John Doe

"No," said the man in the bed. "I don't know what my name is."      This week, I read this book, "John Doe." I just checked the means of "John Doe" This morning! This is the reason I chose this one. The other reason is that I simply felt that it looked interesting. While I was reading it, I was minding a man, "John Doe." "John Doe" means that having no name, and he is a key person. He was so clever. This story was a little difficult, but I could understand the story and concern about "John Doe"s strategies. I recommend this book to those who like mystery. It was so interesting. Moses, Antoinette. (1999). John Doe.  Massachusetts. Cambridge University press.

BR 2-05: Blood Diamonds

'I know,' said Kirkpatrick. 'Don't do anything stupid.'      This time, I read this story, "Blood Diamonds." I was interested in this book's title, so I chose this one.      By reading this story, I could think about Guns and Money problems through the characters actions. At first, I didn't know the mean of "blood diamond," but when I understood the mean, I was sad. And I felt that Kirkpatrick was so cool. He is a eager journalist, and he wanted to know the facts. We have to learn him, and have to think about problems in the world. Mac-Andrew, Richard. (2005.)  Blood Diamonds , Massachusetts, Cambridge University Press.   cambridge university press  4727 words

BR 2-04: Cheetahs in Focus

With astonishing ability to sprint from zero to eighty kilometers an hour in just three seconds, the cheetah is the fastest animal on land. (p. 4) This week, I read "Cheetahs in Focus." I think everyone must know about cheetahs. Yes, cheetahs are the fastest animal around the world. I told before that I liked animals, and I liked it the best when I was a child, so I chose this book. By reading this story, I didn't only know how they hunt and survive, but also be able to think many problems they had today. Not only cheetahs, many animals around the world have each problem. So we have to think and do something good for solving them. Waring, Rob. (2009). Cheetahs in Focus.  Boston: Thomson Heinle.